BHD’s cinema app

Redesign BHD's booking ticket app

BHD’s new app covers all basic needs of movie-goers, in an intuitive and pleasant way. Meaning, users can easily scan screening schedules, view movie details and book tickets online.

Team members
Khai Le
Tam Le
UX Designer
Thanh Dao
UI Designer
BHD cinema app’s mockups


BHD is one of the biggest cinema chains in Vietnam with hundreds of thousands tickets sold monthly. However, its mobile application is a complete drawback; users cannot book tickets online, it feels and looks outdated, inconsistent and cluttered.

BHD’s new app covers all basic needs of movie-goers, in an intuitive and pleasant way. Meaning, users can easily scan screening schedules, view movie details and book tickets online.

Lower than $10,000

Project scope

User research
Information Architecture
UI design
Interactive prototype


BHD’s new app covers all basic needs of movie-goers, in an intuitive and pleasant way. Meaning, users can easily scan screening schedules, view movie details and book tickets online.


  • 1. Provide users with information on movies, schedules, locations, promotions all in one space.
  • 2. Allow users to book and pay for their tickets online.
  • 3. Convert movie-goers into BHD fanatics. When it comes to movies, BHD comes to mind first.

The challenges

The new design needs to change users’ current perception of BHD app, by providing users with a seamless and straight-forward experience.


Young and dedicated fan of movies.

Duong loves to go to movies on weekends with friends. A heavy user of mobile apps, he enjoys having snacks when watching movies and pay for tickets with his digital wallets. A simple UI and straight-forward booking process is a must for him.

Traits - core dimension of Duong’s personality:
  • Movie types to choose: Any
  • Tech capability: Above average
  • Payment desirability: Multiple & fast

Case study


BHD’s new app needs to cover all basic needs for movie-goers, in an intuitive and pleasant way. Meaning, users can easily scan screening schedules, view movie details and book tickets only.


  • 1. Provide users with information on movies, schedules, locations, promotions all in one space.
  • 2. Allow users to book and pay for their tickets online.
  • 3. Convert movie-goers into BHD fanatics. When it comes to movies, BHD comes to mind first.

The challenges

The new design needs to change users’ current perception of BHD app, by providing users with a seamless and straight-forward experience.

Home screen - Schedule

Home screen providing information of all movies, with a bigger and smoother transition effect for movie carousel.

Moving the promotion banners beneath the movies to priorize the main task.

Movie details

Finding more info helps users decide if a movie fits them. Movie details were structured for easy scanning. A clear Book now button stays at the bottom of the screen allows fast booking without having to scroll.

Transaction history

Users can keep track of their tickets, as well as their orders, sorted from newest to oldest for quick navigation. Orders are also indicated with different statuses to prevent missing pick-ups.

Digital ticket with QR code. Scan and enter the movie, go green with less paper waste.



Avenir Next
Booking a movie should be easy
Booking a movie should be easy
Booking a movie should be easy
Booking a movie should be easy

Color Palette

Home screen - Schedule

What movies are play at the theater? Is that movie too long to watch? Providing answers to these common questions is the top priority of this screen. The old one didn’t offer these info and our proposed solutions are:

  1. A bigger and better transition effect for movie carousel to make the browsing more enjoyable
  2. Eye-catching CTA button to encourage booking
  3. Moving the promotion banners beneath movies to priorize the main task

Movie details

Finding more info helps users decide if a movie fits them. Movie details were structured in a way which users can scan through easily. A clear Book now button always stays at the bottom of the screen allows fast booking without having to scroll.


When picking a showtime, it is important to group them by the order: time - location - type of theater. Must-have data is also highlighted for best scanning:

  • Date of the showtime - today as the default state, going back to the previous days is not permitted to prevent mistakes.
  • City in which the cinemas locate - only 3 cities available so showing all should be better than hidden in a combo box.
  • Start time - optimized with horizontal scroll to help user perceive info and make their booking decision quickly.

Booking flow

Transaction history

Users can keep track of their tickets, as well as their orders arranged by latest to oldest for quick navigation.

Orders are also indicated with different statuses to prevent missing pick-ups.

Digital ticket with QR code. Scan and enter the movie, go green with less paper waste.

Book by cinema

Some users might want to find the nearest cinema to go to, regardless of which movies are shown. Therefore, showtime of movies are fully shown in one screen.

Now, only two steps needed to select a seat.

Our theaters

Movie-goers can explore many types of theaters provided by BHD ranging from Standard to Special. List of theaters presented with real photos brings a hint of what they would enjoy. Card component is used to display list of theaters and news to retain consistency in style.

One more crafting.


Intensive designing, evaluating and testing, we has got an opportunity to help KiwiPay set the seal on a new MVP, ready for development and market validation.

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